
Model Generation#

If you do not have or do not want to annotate your existing model classes, you can use the included model generation tool to create iciql model classes.

 win: java -cp iciql.jar;your_db_driver.jar <parameters>
*nix: java -cp iciql.jar:your_db_driver.jar <parameters>


-urlJDBC url for the databaseREQUIRED
-usernameusername for JDBC connectionoptional
-passwordpassword for JDBC connectionoptional
-schemathe target schema for model generationdefault: all schemas
-tablethe target table for model generationdefault: all tables
-packagethe destination package name for generated modelsdefault: default package
-folderthe output folder for .java filesdefault: current folder
-annotateSchemainclude the schema name in the class annotationsdefault: true
-trimStringsannotate trimStrings=true for any VARCHAR string mappings   default: false

Model Validation#

Iciql can validate your model classes against your database to ensure that your models are optimally defined and are consistent with the current table and index definitions.

Each com.iciql.ValidationRemark returned by the validation has an associated level from the following enum:

public static enum Level {

A typical validation may output recommendations for adjusting a model field annotation such as setting the maxLength of a string to match the length of its linked VARCHAR column.

Sample Model Validation using JUnit 4#

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ErrorCollector;

import com.iciql.Db;
import com.iciql.DbInspector;
import com.iciql.ValidationRemark;
import com.iciql.test.models.Product;
import com.iciql.test.models.ProductAnnotationOnly;
import com.iciql.test.models.ProductMixedAnnotation;

public class ValidateModels {

     * The ErrorCollector Rule allows execution of a test to continue after the
     * first problem is found and report them all at once
    public ErrorCollector errorCollector = new ErrorCollector();

    private Db db;

    public void setUp() {
        db ="jdbc:h2:mem:", "sa", "sa");

    public void tearDown() {

    public void testValidateModels() {
        DbInspector inspector = new DbInspector(db);
        validateModel(inspector, new Product());
        validateModel(inspector, new ProductAnnotationOnly());
        validateModel(inspector, new ProductMixedAnnotation());

    private void validateModel(DbInspector inspector, Object o) {
        List<ValidationRemark> remarks = inspector.validateModel(o, false);
        assertTrue("Validation remarks are null for " + o.getClass().getName(), remarks != null);
        log("Validation remarks for " + o.getClass().getName());
        for (ValidationRemark remark : remarks) {
            if (remark.isError()) {
                errorCollector.addError(new SQLException(remark.toString()));

    private void log(String message) {